5 Common Mistakes a Brand Makes While Doing Branding

My Haul Store

Any business is recognizable only with proper branding. It is a series of events that a company or organization initiates in order to establish itself in the marketplace. In other words, branding is a blueprint of how you want the world to see your business and perceive your brand. There are some common mistakes businesses make while branding. Whether you are a small business or established with decades of experience, these are the major mistakes that need to be avoided. 

Ignoring Customer Experience

Customer experience is the most significant aspect of any business. The growth and success of your company directly depends on the customer experience. Branding is about making the right impression of your products and services. But how the customers feel about the overall business is equally important. So branding should be done in such a way that customer issues are resolved promptly. 

Branding without Guidelines or Strategies

An organization with no proper brand guidelines is bound to experience inconsistency. Brand guidelines are protocols from logos, websites, to social media pages and ads. It is the set of rules followed by a business to maintain consistency. It tells you when, where, and how to use a simple logo. How to maintain a writing style and voice for the brand. What imagery and typography are to be used, etc.

Inaccuracy in Content Marketing

The overall content of a business should resemble the company’s vision. “Content plays the major role in the digital presence of a business.” From copywriting to newsletters to blogs to articles, everything should maintain the brand’s vision. Inaccuracy and inconsistencies in content marketing have a negative impact on branding.

Compromising on Brand Identity

“Brand identity” is the visual elements and overall image of the company. Beginning with a cheap brand identity is a common mistake among brands. It involves selecting cheap logo designs, websites with poor user experience, and inadequate digital presence. Compromising on the brand identity means compromising on the branding. 

Failing to Connect with the Target Audience

A brand that fails to connect with the right audience means that the brand has failed. This common branding mistake happens when there is a lack of industry research and customer behavior analysis. If a brand is unable to connect with its customers on a personal level, it may fall behind competitors and its business growth may suffer.


Branding isn’t easy. It’s a long process and some mistakes are unavoidable. Keeping those mistakes in mind while running the campaigns is one way to foresee the failures. Failing is a part of learning, and when you understand these mistakes, you should make them in all the stages of branding. Strong branding can drive the business into a bright future, and for that, it’s essential to know the mistakes and tend to avoid them.

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How to Choose the Best Digital Marketing Agency for your Business?

My Haul Store
My Haul Store

Digital marketing is crucial for any business in the modern world. Navigating digital marketing is an extra effort for most business owners. Also, the increasing number of digital marketing agencies has made the process of selection difficult. Choosing the right digital marketing partner is crucial because the wrong one can immediately drain your budget and can negatively impact the branding of a company. Considering the competitive nature of digital marketing, certain factors need to be considered before choosing your digital agency.

Your Budget

Something very basic is to be clear about your budget. And the same should be conveyed to your digital marketing agency in order to avoid future hazards. Understand your budget and let the agency know how much you are willing to spend. Especially for small businesses, it’s important to comprehend needs and budget allocation. After all, there is no set price, and a good marketer must be able to work within a reasonable budget. 

Your Needs

Just like the budget, understanding the needs is also important. Not only does the company understand its business needs, but they must be able to communicate them properly with the agency. Most of the digital requirements, such as a website, graphic design, social media, advertising, and search engine optimization (SEO), demand high-quality results for better business and branding. The better one can explain their business needs, the better off the company will be in terms of digital marketing.

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Choose an Experienced Agency 

Choose an agency that is capable of doing your project. This doesn’t mean that you ignore new companies. Regardless of the type of service you want, it’s essential to select an agency with the right team members. For example, if you want more traffic for your edtech, hiring an agency with content marketers isn’t enough. You have to make sure that they have an SEO specialist as well. You may do a little research about the company before the final decision is made. You can go to their about session and see the details and experiences of the team members. You can also use LinkedIn to search for the agency details.

Check the Industry Reputation

This is part of your research about the agency. Good digital marketing agencies are proud of whom they work with, so they would display the past clients’ details. As you do the research, find out about their past clients and what the agency achieved. If you are a small-scale business or a start-up entrepreneur, then you may not have to be picky about the agency’s reputation. Also, if you are on a budget, it’s OK to go for beginners. However, the past clients’ list is a good indication of the agency’s reputation. 

It is difficult to select the best digital marketing agency for your company. But with adequate research and some guidance, you can finally select the right agency. Once you choose the right agency, the next thing is to get them involved in the business of digital presence. Above all, communication should be consistent. Also, some other factors need to be considered.

  • Prepare the Team: It’s important to make sure that everyone is on the same page. It’s good to have proper communication with all the team members about the new project and the agency.
  • Understand the Process and Timeline: Every digital marketing project follows three stages: research and discovery, planning, execution, results, and offboarding. It’s important to lay out the details of each step to the agency and the team to make everything clear. 
  • Be Collaborative: Some digital marketing agencies are more collaborative than others. Your ideas, thoughts, and inputs might accelerate the project in the right direction. So, be collaborative with an open mind. 
  • Give them Control: Every digital marketing agency is good at what they are doing. So, giving them complete control over certain aspects may provide good results.   

One of the fundamental things to keep in mind is to ask questions. Asking about the things you are unsure about is a great way to learn more. Choosing the best digital marketing agency is the same as making the best choice for your business.

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